When the hit cult series about an unlikely hero in the methamphetamine industry first aired, people noticed the...
Culture and Entertainment News
Delta Variant Hysteria, but No Concern Over Unvaccinated Aliens
The vaccination rhetoric is heating up considerably of late, as fear of the so-called Delta variant consumes...
Is Big Pharma to Blame for Pediatricians Pushing Masks on Kids?
Numerous big-box media outlets have dutifully reported that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), "an...
Mississippi Petition to SCOTUS: Overturn Roe v. Wade
In May, the U.S. Supreme Court announced it would take up an appeal to a ruling striking down a Mississippi...
The Politics of HollyWeird: Harry Potter Author Takes on the Trans Debate
Editor’s Note: Whether on screen or off, Hollywood can always be counted on to keep us entertained. This is...
Fact-Checking Biden’s Bumbling Town Hall
Appearing on his six-month anniversary as president, Joe Biden took to the stage in Cincinnati as part of a CNN...
The Prince and the Printing Press
Once upon a time, there was a princess named Diana who was lovely, troubled -- and beloved throughout the world....
COVID 2.0: Return of the Mask Tyrants
Less than a week after House Republicans introduced a bill to end the federal mask mandates, new calls to hunker...
Bezos’ Successful Flight Aboard Blue Origin Spacecraft
The race to space for the rich came to a head in July as Virgin magnate Richard Branson and Amazon’s founder Jeff...