CNN fired Jeffrey Lord after the pro-Trump commentator mockingly used the words “sieg heil” in a tweet aimed at the left wing group, Media Matters.
Google Fires Critic of “Ideological Echo Chamber”
George Orwell once wrote: “The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.”...
Accusations over Fox’s Eric Bolling Sexting Rampant
Yet another in a seemingly endless line of the Anthony Weiner “yuk” stories.
Karma For Couric: Yahoo Drops “The Deceiver” As Global News Anchor
After four years at Yahoo, Katie Couric is out – and we can’t say “good riddance” fast enough.
Trump and Twitter: Method Not Madness
The Twitter platform has become his personal soapbox, much to the consternation of journalists, members of Congress and White House officials alike.
Katie Couric Off the Hook on Gun Doc
Obama appointee Judge Gibney found the VCDL was not defamed when portrayed as idiots.