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Civil War in the GOP – LN Radio Videocast

Can a ceasefire be reached, or will the conflict escalate?

by | May 17, 2021 | LN Radio Videocasts, Politics

Republicans have done the deed, removing Never-Trumper Liz Cheney from her leadership position in the House of Representatives, raising the stakes in an ugly battle for control of the GOP between Trump loyalists and establishment forces. We will analyze the conflict, but also discuss how politics can indeed make strange bedfellows – like Donald Trump and Elizabeth Warren? We’ll explain. But what happened to the Brexit-Trump uprising of 2016? Brexit is watered down, Trump is out, and the left has consolidated power. LibertyNation.com International Author and Managing Editor Mark Angelides joins us to discuss the fate of the populist/nationalist movement in the US and around the world. Plus, LN Legal Affairs Editor Scott Cosenza jumps on board for talkin’ liberty – pipeline blues, Baltimore State Attorney tries to silence critical media, and the NRA faces an existential threat.

Click for a podcast of this episode of LN Radio. For more episodes click here.

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