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Can Christians Justify Voting Democrat?

No, the Democratic Party does not represent evangelical Christians. However, the Georgia lieutenant governor candidate, Sarah Riggs Amico, says differently. In a taped interview with The Hill.TV’s Krystal Ball, Amico said, “I believe the value in the Democratic Party today best represent my faith.” Immigration was the only topic she mentioned to reinforce her opinion. Amico is playing a game in an attempt to gain votes from Christians. There is more evidence that the Democratic Party is more anti-Christian than pro.

The most glaring proof is abortion. The commandment “Thou shall not murder” slipped the mind of Amico. The left is militaristic on the issue of abortion. They believe that the baby is nothing more than a parasite until it exits his or her mother. Amico should read Jeremiah 1:5 where God told Jeremiah, “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb.” She should check her Bible before supporting “family planning.” If God knows us before we are formed, we have value before birth.

Removing God

In 2012, the Democratic Party voted to remove God from their platform. They went a step further to boo Him as well during the DNC convention while rallying for former President Obama. Later on, they decided to put Him back in when their emotions subsided, and there was a lack of public support. However, as a Christian, it is difficult to see how a believer could consider voting for people who have a distinct distaste for God, let alone being a part of the party.

God designed the family unit. His creation is a family of a man and woman who procreate. Democrats are systematically destroying His model. Does Amico not believe in one man and one woman in marriage? God designed men and women to have children. Humans of the same sex cannot have children. If God wanted that to be, he would have created people differently.

The Democratic Party believes that gender is fluid, and relative to how one feels on a particular day. That is completely false. Perhaps, Amico should read some biology books to learn about testosterone and estrogen. Our bodies are created with these chemicals to form a developing child into a male or female. A man has no right to play God by altering the divine architecture.

Ramping Rhetoric

The majority of college professors are anti-God. Thousands of young adults go to college every autumn and are subjected to anti-religious rhetoric. These alleged educators teach radical left wing causes and indoctrinate instead of educate. Unfortunately, professors take advantage of young adults by lying to them about social subjects. Amico may have forgotten, but lying isn’t godly either.

Amico claimed that moving to the Democratic Party was like “coming home.” Of course, the left will make you feel like that. She turned her back on God for the sake of pushing a political public policy.

Can a believer be part of a political party that is overtly against God-given life, the traditional family unit, traditional marriage, and the truth?

That is between her and God. However, our fruits are how we are known and promoting anti-God beliefs isn’t fruitful.

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