Artificial intelligence (AI) is already in everyday life, whether it is a newspaper organization writing articles...
Business News
Manufacturing Is in a Recession – Swamponomics
Despite President Joe Biden championing his record on the manufacturing sector, the industry slipped into a...
The Forex Market – an $80 Trillion Ticking Time Bomb?
A wide range of economists from all schools of thought has warned about a dramatic shift in the global financial...
Lost in Translation: Biden’s Manufacturing Jobs Claims
For years, US manufacturing jobs have been a political football, with both sides claiming they represent the...
Russian Oil Price Cap Will Fuel Energy Crisis
West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and Brent crude futures were volatile during the holiday-shortened trading week...
Biden Likes Venezuelan Oil – Just Not American Oil
As part of efforts to revive price stability in global energy markets, the Treasury Department confirmed that it...
National Security at Risk as China Covets US Lithium
Can the White House be so naïve as to not get what the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is doing with its ties to...
Looming Rail Strike Could Ripple Throughout US Economy
The US economy avoided a crippling rail strike in September when railroads and unions representing 115,000...
Talking Liberty – Political Donors and the FTX Scam – LN Radio Videocast
One simple question needs to be asked about the collapse of FTX: Where did the money go?...