What does history tell us about trade wars?
Business News
Shipping With Amazon Cuts Out the Middle Man
Will Shipping with Amazon take over UPS and FedEx?
Heralding the End of Big Box Chains
Are we witnessing the end of “Category Killer” companies?
Spotify IPO Skips Traditional Underwriting
Novel IPOs – boom or a bust?
APPLE: Show Us the Money
Steve Jobs and Donald Trump – working together to M.A.G.A.!
Washington Sues Comcast Over Worthless Protection Plans
Big boy Internet and cable provider, Comcast, has landed itself in hot water with the state of Washington. Attorney General Bob Ferguson is asking for more than $100 million in a lawsuit.
Iceland’s Inane Gender Pay Law
Individual choices matter. We are not monolithic beings.
Is This the “Sweetest” Merger Possible?
What does this “mega-merger” mean for the markets and consumers?
Justice Department Tries to Block AT&T – Time Warner Merger
DOJ tries to block AT&T – Time Warner, but it’s antitrust laws that are the problem.