If today were Election Day, Democrats would likely be in a state of stunned disbelief after watching their most...
Tim Donner
Senior Political Analyst
Shouting into the Darkness: Biden Goes Full KKK on Trump
You knew it was going to happen. It was always a matter not of if but when. And sure enough, energized by big...
State of the Union: Joe Biden’s Last Chance Saloon
Long ago and far away, when someone wanting an adult beverage was about to enter a zone where drinking was...
Super Tuesday: An End and a Beginning
Ordinarily, the focus of Super Tuesday’s bevy of contests stretching across the entire national map is the...
The Rise and Fall of Mitch McConnell – and What Happens Now
In trying to untangle the complicated legacy of retiring Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), one is...
South Carolina Primary: Trump Romps, Haley on Life Support
Not that we couldn’t figure it out before, but now we know for sure why Nikki Haley made a much-ballyhooed speech...
How Trump Can Return to the White House Without Really Trying
It is one of the cardinal rules of politics, as it was for war when Napoleon first stated it over two centuries...
Rasmussen Poll Unmasks the Radical Elite
For the longest time, most Americans have viewed our political system through the prism of Republicans and...
Can Joe Biden Still Win the Presidential Election?
The presidential election of 2024 has been viewed in negative or even pejorative terms by large swaths of the...