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Tim Donner

LN Radio 6/9/19: George Papadopoulos Tells All

LN Radio 6/9/19: George Papadopoulos Tells All

He was at the center of what he calls “the greatest and most pernicious spying scandal in American history.” In an exclusive interview with Liberty Nation, George Papadopoulos tells all about how he was set up and snagged by the Obama FBI, and became the patsy in a nefarious deep state plot to take down Donald Trump … as Attorney General William Barr delivers a warning to Democrats growing anxious about his investigation into what really happened … and the p-word, plagiarism, rears its head again for Joe Biden, 

LN Radio 6/2/19: Mueller Madness – the Sequel

LN Radio 6/2/19: Mueller Madness – the Sequel

Robert Mueller breaks his silence, contradicts Attorney General Barr on obstruction of justice, and then cuts and runs. We’ll analyze how much his remarks have changed the political landscape, if at all, and whether the Democrats have the votes needed for impeachment – you’ll be shocked at the answer. Plus, in this unprecedented political environment where the two sides can barely talk to each other, we’ll introduce you to an actual legitimate, truly BIPARTISAN coalition for lowering energy prices, and a couple of significant rulings by the nation’s highest court. We’re joined by Lynn Taylor of the Virginia Institute for Public Policy and Scott Cosenza of LibertyNation.com