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Tim Donner

Senior Political Analyst

LN Radio 1/31/21 – Biden’s Early Days: Breaking Bad?

LN Radio 1/31/21 – Biden’s Early Days: Breaking Bad?

Joe Biden works through the first ten days of his presidency, issuing a boatload of executive decrees, while his party prepares to put former President Trump on trial, tries to expel two Senators who supported Trump, big media provides the expected fawning coverage of the new president, and big tech and corporate America expand their censorship of conservatives. We’ll examine what Biden has done so far, and how the public is reacting, and analyze just how hard will be Biden’s burden: erasing the legacy of Donald J. Trump. We’ll be joined by LibertyNation.com Managing Editor Mark Angelides, and by Legal Affairs Editor Scott D. Cosenza for talkin’ liberty, featuring a Twitter troll busted for voter “disinformation” and Oregon weighing race-based vaccine preferences.

Trump’s New Veto Power

Trump’s New Veto Power

In a political environment disfigured beyond recognition by bitterness, fear, and retribution, the unfortunate...

LN Radio 1/24/21 – Biden’s Inauguration of Fear

LN Radio 1/24/21 – Biden’s Inauguration of Fear

Joe Biden takes the oath of office as 46th president amid an armed lockdown in DC, pledging unity in a bitterly divided nation and a swift reversal of everything associated with President Trump. We take you through this change of administrations, and change of party, in the Oval Office as we place the tumultuous last four years of Donald Trump in context and examine the agenda – and many fears – expressed by Joe Biden in his inaugural address. We’re joined by LibertyNation.com’s Scott Cosenza, who was on the ground in DC for Biden’s unique inaugural, and Editor-in-Chief Leesa K. Donner, who produced LN’s coverage of the changing of the guard and joins Tim in a retrospective on how things used to be at inaugurals, as we recount inaugural festivities in Washington for six different presidents.