It used to be that, for all their disagreements, Republicans and Democrats at least shared a common belief about...
Tim Donner
How RFK Jr. Changed the Contours of the 2024 Election – Again
In the full year since he first emerged onto the national stage as the biggest political wildcard since Ross...
Easter Sunday: Hope for the Hopeless
Like Christmas, Easter Sunday is celebrated across the world by believers and non-believers alike. But there is a...
Believe it or Not: Joe Biden Facing Scrutiny from Elite Media
As presumptive nominees Donald Trump and Joe Biden received the expected and overwhelming majorities in a series...
The Left Braces for a Racial Reckoning
If today were Election Day, Democrats would likely be in a state of stunned disbelief after watching their most...
Shouting into the Darkness: Biden Goes Full KKK on Trump
You knew it was going to happen. It was always a matter not of if but when. And sure enough, energized by big...
State of the Union: Joe Biden’s Last Chance Saloon
Long ago and far away, when someone wanting an adult beverage was about to enter a zone where drinking was...
Super Tuesday: An End and a Beginning
Ordinarily, the focus of Super Tuesday’s bevy of contests stretching across the entire national map is the...
The Rise and Fall of Mitch McConnell – and What Happens Now
In trying to untangle the complicated legacy of retiring Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), one is...