Autumn approaches, and, as predictable as the falling leaves, the major media are doing their best to throw cold...
Tim Donner
Senior Political Analyst
Biden’s Bailout Boomerang
What a brilliant scheme, Joe Biden and his progressive cronies figured. Employing the reliable bullhorn known as...
Left Finally Admits It Wants to End the Constitution
For decades, from the advent of the liberal Warren Court in the mid-1950s, leftists counted on the Supreme Court...
Senate in Play: A Recurring Nightmare for the GOP?
Most observers during this election season have been fixated on the near certainty that Republicans will seize...
Come What May, Donald Trump Has Changed Politics Forever
His many enemies - foremost among them a former CIA Director who all but called for his execution - thought it...
The Fatal Conceit of Liz Cheney
Only in the bubble-wrapped environs of the Washington Swamp could the most unpopular Republican in the country...
Do Democrats Want Trump In or Out in 2024?
On one hand, they view Donald J. Trump as a clear and present danger to the republic, a menace who must be...
Trump’s Second Term Plan: Empty the Swamp
Speaking at the America First Policy Institute summit in Washington, DC, yesterday, former President Donald Trump...
Joe Biden, Victim
Poor Joe Biden. As if he didn't have enough problems already, it now appears the most important woman in his life...