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Tim Donner

Is Conservatarianism The Future Of The GOP? Part 2: Foreign Policy

Is Conservatarianism The Future Of The GOP? Part 2: Foreign Policy

This is the second of a three-part series on Conservatarianism, the blending of conservative and libertarian ideologies within the new Republican party. In the first part, Charles C.W. Cooke of National Review, author of The Conservatarian Manifesto, discussed the areas of agreement between the two sides. This section examines their major differences on the US role in the world.

How The Left Ruined The Senate

How The Left Ruined The Senate

The Republican maneuver in response to Schumer – changing Senate rules to assure confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the high court – may well signal that the last vestiges of deliberative bipartisanship will soon disappear from the upper chamber.

An American Good Friday Message

An American Good Friday Message

As Holy Week approaches its pinnacle, it is well worth pondering the question of what, if any, relationship the Christian Gospel has to the establishment of these United States. The answer cannot simply be found in the fact that most of the founding fathers were professing Christians. Many nations – and empires – were ruled by legacy Christians whose yoke, unlike that of Jesus, was not easy nor the burden light.