Parents’ rights ignored as schools want children to self-identify their race and gender.
Kelli Ballard
National Correspondent
One Size Fits All Killing California
Golden child no more, California becomes the black sheep of the states.Â
Trumpkin Treatment Shows Bias Against Non-Progressives
…they ignore blatant and offensive attacks on anyone on the Right or with differing opinions.
Star Spangled Banner New Progressive Target
The Star-Spangled Banner is the latest victim of the Left’s movement to rid us of the landmarks and symbols of our nation.
Left Coast Politicians Hit Californians Hard for their Weed Money
Californians will soon pay more in taxes for their weed than for the actual product.
Trump’s Tax Plan and the Propaganda War
Are the media generating narrative over facts?
News from the Left Coast: A Change in Science
Science is rooted in facts, but apparently racism too.
The Childish Display of the Left – Screamfest!
Is this the most idiotic and petulant demonstration yet?
You Need Jesus Now Hate Speech According to Kent State University
Kent State University rejects what they consider hateful Christian rhetoric.