The refusal to see reality shows that the political left is unprepared to deal with real Americans.
Kelli Ballard
National Correspondent
CA: Where they Base Punishment of Crime on the Race of the Criminal
Punishment based on race instead of crime committed
Latino Vote Set to be Unleashed in California
The Democrats are weaponizing the Latino vote in their war for illegal immigration.
Choosing Sides on Immigration Sweeps
Why is California refusing to protect its citizens from known felons?
Public Schools Invite 6th Graders to Change Genders?
How confused do public schools want five-year-olds to actually be?
The Bloody Turn in the Border Control Argument
Illegals get away with murder legally
The Sad Slow Destruction of California
Is it blindness or a lust for power that has made California the most poverty-ridden state?
California Cruelty and Broken Systems
What’s behind the appalling conditions of California prisons?
U.S. Marshals Round up 106 Violent Gang Members
Marshals take down 100+ gangsters in seven-month joint operation known as “Alpha and Omega”.