Fox News has withdrawn their story from last week.
Scott D. Cosenza, Esq.
Legal Affairs Editor
“Clock Boy” Ahmed Mohamed’s Lawsuit Dismissed By Federal Judge
Last week a federal judge dismissed the lawsuit by the father of Ahmed Mohamed, the teen whose homemade clock was mistaken for a bomb.
U.S. Supreme Court Says No to Redistricting Plan
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled today that North Carolina lawmakers impermissibly relied on race they re-drew the first and twelfth Congressional districts.
Mizzou Students To Pay For Declining Enrollment
Last week we reported on the dropping enrollment at Mizzou. The school will make up the 16.6-million-dollar deficit loss in revenue from low enrollment by raising tuition on the students who did enroll, and by dropping non-tenured faculty and support staff.
The Uprising Podcast # 17 – Permanent Campaign
Tim and Scott discuss Jim Comey, Pat Buchanan, Betsy Devos, Ruby Ridge, The Kennedys & more!
Sweden Drops Julian Assange Rape Investigation
News broke this week that Swedish prosecutors would be dropping its rape investigation against Julian Assange.
Chelsea Manning Released From Prison Today
Chelsea Manning is free today. Despite her sentence of 35 years in prison delivered in 2013 for giving “more than 700,000 government files to WikiLeaks, a gigantic leak that lifted the veil on American military and diplomatic activities around the world.”
The Uprising Podcast # 16 – Three Felonies a Day
Tim and Scott discuss Jim Comey, Pat Buchanan, Betsy Devos, Ruby Ridge, The Kennedys & more!
Jeff Sessions War on Drugs Begins
The world will have to wait no longer to find out how President Trump and his Attorney General will address drugs and the growing tension between state and federal law on the matter.