There are a whole host of stupid people in this world. Here’s one from Atlanta.
Liberty Nation Authors
Don’t Mess with the Phoenix Police
The faux family jewels take one for the team.
Another Brilliant Criminal
His gun was fake, but his knife was real.
Valerie Plame To Ban Trump’s Twitter!
because free speech annoys the left…
Point-Counterpoint: Two Conservatives Face off About Racism in America
The issue of racism is once again, front and center in American politics.
Mueller: Making Witch Hunts Great Again
Sometimes you just have to hand it to the cartoonists of the world. This one by Glenn McCoy is not to be missed!
Caitlyn Jenner: Pro-Trump or Never-Trump?
Dear Caitlyn, Please pick a team and stick with it.Â
Gene Simmons’ Cow Clone Army Is Here!
The Gene Simmons’ Cow Clone Army Is Here!
Patriot To Pelosi: ‘Prison time is coming soon…’
This is the best thing you will see on the internet all week. Hilarious!