If you want to know just what your ruling elites think of you, consider the case of Rep. Harley Rouda (D-CA)....
Joe Schaeffer
Political Columnist
No Good Optics for Pre-Packaged Biden
In an op-ed for The New York Times that is being ridiculed for its daffiness yet should be accorded points for...
Did Alabama’s Doug Jones Sink His Own Campaign?
It will be interesting to see how the strong emotions Americans have displayed over prolonged Coronavirus...
Oregon Gov to Citizens: Stay in Your Room
In a stunning display of executive overreach, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown decreed on May 1 that she is extending her...
Coronavirus Phase Two: The Police State Cometh
Millions of Americans undoubtedly assumed their freedoms would be restored to a significant degree when the...
NBC News Chief and the Left’s New Hero Andy Lack Takes on Trump
NBC News Chairman Andy Lack has become the latest bigwig to fully indulge in the bravado, posturing, and wounded...
CA’s Packed-Like-Sardines Population Solution Thwarted by COVID
California's plan to shoehorn its swelling ranks of urban residents into "densely populated, multistory living...
Is the Biden Ticket a Career Killer?
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is committed to choosing a female running mate, seeing the...
A New Low for the Anti-Trump Media
Fabiola Santiago, a longtime columnist at The Miami Herald, ignited a firestorm when she tweeted out her hope...