Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on August 22 unveiled his version of the infamous “Green New Deal,” or – as Maoists...
Graham J Noble
Google’s Election Medling: 2016 Fell Through – What About 2020?
On August 19, President Donald Trump tweeted something that sent the left – particularly his former presidential...
Dems Will Keep Trump in the White House by Overplaying Race Card
The Democratic Party appears to have decided that the surest way to win control of the White House in 2020 is to...
Political Chatter: Facts Vs. Fascists
Liberty Nation brings you a preview of the week’s political stories from two perspectives: The most significant...
Guns: Are They the Devil’s Lincoln Logs?
Does America have a gun-violence epidemic? You bet your sweet a** it does, and it is getting worse by the day....
Chris Cuomo: It’s Time for Some Self-Reflection
On so many levels, it is hard to sympathize with CNN’s Chris Cuomo. That he is a simpering, leftist pundit who...
Is Biden the Manchurian Candidate?
The 2020 Democratic National Convention is still 11 months away, so the party’s campaign gurus and communications...
Political Currents: Epstein, Gun Control, and Iowa Hopefuls
Liberty Nation brings you a preview of the week’s political stories from two perspectives: The most significant...
Dems Use Trump’s Dayton/El Paso Visits to Divide and Conquer
On Wednesday, August 7, President Donald Trump visits the cities of Dayton, OH and El Paso, TX, which lost a...