For the first time in a very long time, a Democrat candidate for president finds himself having to go the extra...
Graham J Noble
Chief Political Correspondent & Satirist
With No Success to Tout, Joe Biden Concocts a Tall Tale of Terror
On January 5, Joe Biden delivered the opening speech of his re-election campaign near Valley Forge in...
The Real Threat to Democracy
The elitists of the left-wing establishment continue to demonstrate their contempt for ordinary Americans as the...
The Immigration Crisis Whodunnit: A Favorite White House Game
The Biden administration’s Ministry of Excuses has been working overtime since its creation on April 1, 2021,...
Joe Biden Refuses to Let Presidenting Disrupt Another Vacation
Americans probably felt even closer to their favorite president of all time, Joe Biden, when they learned on Dec....
Left-Wing Elites Blame Regular Americans for All Our Problems
America appears to be rapidly falling apart, and progressive politicians, activists, culture warriors, and the...
Colorado Dreaming: Trump Remains on the Ballot
The Colorado Supreme Court – or, at least, the four-justice majority that voted to exclude Donald Trump from the...
What You May Have Missed About the Colorado Supreme Court Ruling
Democrats, left-wing activists and journalists, and “never-Trumpers” have been celebrating since Dec. 19 when the...
US Southern Border or Ukraine’s Border? The Senate Aid Stalemate
The US Senate hasn’t yet recessed for the Christmas holiday. With the House of Representatives already emptied...