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Graham J Noble

The Freedom Caucus, Health Care and the US Senate

The Freedom Caucus, Health Care and the US Senate

In what could certainly be considered a symbolic victory for President Donald Trump, the second incarnation of the American Healthcare Act (AHCA) squeaked through a vote in the House of Representatives Thursday afternoon. Without a single Democrat vote, the bill was passed 217-213, with twenty Republicans voting against it. Although it may well not get through the Senate in its current form, a rift within the majority party has been bridged and that – in itself – is a victory for congressional Republicans who have seen so very few victories, of late.

A President At Odds With Congress

A President At Odds With Congress

Trump’s greatest failing so far has been his unwillingness to bend congressional Republicans to his will. For the sake of a second term, he will need to find a way to out-maneuver both parties in Congress. He will need to become even more anti-government.

Trump, The NRA and The Second Amendment

Trump, The NRA and The Second Amendment

As with many policy areas, Trump appears to lack an ideological position on the Second Amendment. Despite his strong expressions of support for gun-rights, he doesn’t seem to be an enthusiastic gun-rights advocate. More importantly, however, he does not have an anti-gun agenda.

100 Days: A Bigly Satire That’s Yuge

100 Days: A Bigly Satire That’s Yuge

What did we learn in President Trump’s first 100 days? We learned a lot. We probably learned more than any other people who have ever learned. And we are going to keep learning. We might even learn so much that we will get tired of learning. We learned that there are now so many gender-identities to choose from that nobody knows what freakin’ bathroom to use, I can tell you.