The political divide in Washington is also dividing households across the country. According to a new study by Wakefield Research, many couples are breaking up and even filing for divorce over politics and President Donald Trump.
Andrew Moran
Economics Editor
Kurt Eichenwald Thinks GOP Lawmaker Families Should Die for Supporting AHCA
Do you have a family member who is a Republican member of Congress? If so, Kurt Eichenwald, senior writer for Newsweek, thinks you should die if he or she voted for the American Health Care Act (ACHA), otherwise colloquially known as Trumpcare.
Are Free Markets Growing In North Korea?
If a dictator wants to avoid a nationwide revolution, then he should unleash a free enterprise system. This is the message that North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong-un is beginning to understand. Unlike other dictators around the world, like Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe or Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, who have clamped down on free markets, the younger Kim is starting to open them up.
Does Trump Really Understand What A Libertarian Is?
President Trump recently called Steve Bannon a libertarian — but Bannon is not even close. Does the president know what libertarianism is? Does President Trump understand what Bannon believes?
Was Trump’s Canadian Tariff Actually A Bad Idea?
When politicians espouse the supposed virtues of protectionism and tariffs, they often cite four economic arguments: protect a nation’s industry, end the trade deficit, make the country self-sufficient and do it because other governments are doing it. For years, these have been the common defenses for the regressive policy of tariffs.
100 Days: Did Trump Keep His Campaign Promises?
On the campaign trail and soon after his surprising victory, the president outlined a series of pledges and promises that he said he would fulfill in his first one-hundred days in the Oval Office. How has he fared?
Anti-Speech Campuses Are Feeling The Effects Of The Free Market
The free market is combating the growing trend of American colleges and universities declaring war against incendiary behavior by college professors.
The Media In The First 100 Days Of Trump
Editor’s Note: This is part of Liberty Nation’s coverage of the 100-day mark of the Donald J. Trump administration.
How Higher Minimum Wage Affects Lower Quality Restaurants
The minimum wage – or as legendary free-market economist Murray Rothbard called it “compulsory unemployment” – will result in more restaurants shutting their doors, says a new study by Harvard University economists entitled “Survival of the Fittest: The Impact of the Minimum Wage on Firm Exit.” With labor costs surging, driven by higher minimum wages, a greater number of restaurants will face ruination.