Sarah and Scott Cosenza talk Hollywierd, & the Emmy’s.
The Uprising
The Uprising Podcast: Marijuana Markets Moving Prices
In this podcast from Andrew Moran talks marijuana pricing and how the state legal markets affect same with Scott Cosenza.
The Uprising Podcast: Who is Antifa?
Who are the masked marauders calling themselves Antifa? Tim Donner and Tess Lynne of discuss who they are and what they believe.
The Uprising Podcast: Upping the Ante in Afghanistan
Does President Trump’s decision to send more troops to Afghanistan represent wisdom or folly? Tim Donner and Nathan Steelwater of talk it over.
The Uprising Podcast: A New Civil War?
Does the ugliness in Charlottesville, VA signal a much larger battle ahead over racial justice? Tim Donner and Jeff Charles of discuss how conservatives should respond..
The Uprising Podcast: Is Trump TV Pushback or Propaganda?
Is Trump TV a legitimate response to establishment media bias or Soviet-style state-controlled media? Tim Donner and Graham Noble of talk it over.
The Uprising Podcast: Venezuela on Fire
The fate of 30 million people is now in the hands of a newly empowered ruthless Marxist dictator in the once-great nation of Venezuela…now becoming a hell hole. Why should Americans care? Find out on the Uprising….
The Uprising Podcast: Social Justice: The New Racism
Are Social Justice advocates advancing a new racism in America?
The Uprising Podcast: Is Net Neutrality Good Or Bad?
Nathan Steelwater and Scott Cosenza debate Net Neutrality – which position is better for liberty?