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LN Radio 9/10/17 – In the Path of Irma

LN Radio 9/10/17 – In the Path of Irma

Host Tim Donner reports from Sarasota, Florida, where Hurricane Irma is headed for a direct hit.  Teresa Read of LibertyNation.com discusses President Trump’s decision on DACA.  And Liberty Nation’s Jeff Charles talks about the increasingly controversial Southern Poverty Law Center.

LN Radio 8/27/17 – Confederate Fever

LN Radio 8/27/17 – Confederate Fever

Statues and symbols from the confederacy to Columbus come tumbling down, as President Trump attacks the establishment media.  Raheem Kassam discusses his new book on Sharia Law, and Nathan Steelwater of LibertyNation.com analyzes Trump’s decision to up the ante in Afghanistan.