Host Tim Donner reports from Sarasota, Florida after surviving Hurricane Irma alongside LN Editorial Director Leesa K. Donner, who recounts the harrowing experience and also discusses President Trump’s overtures to Democrats.  Jason Russell of the Washington Examiner discusses the state of play in the DC swamp.
LN Radio
LN Radio 9/10/17 – In the Path of Irma
Host Tim Donner reports from Sarasota, Florida, where Hurricane Irma is headed for a direct hit. Â Teresa Read of discusses President Trump’s decision on DACA. Â And Liberty Nation’s Jeff Charles talks about the increasingly controversial Southern Poverty Law Center.
LN Radio 9/3/17 – Harvey, Antifa & D’Souza
Acclaimed author Dinesh D’Souza discusses his latest book, The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left and how it points forward to Antifa, and LN’s Tess Lynne reports on who Antifa is and what they believe.
LN Radio 8/27/17 – Confederate Fever
Statues and symbols from the confederacy to Columbus come tumbling down, as President Trump attacks the establishment media. Â Raheem Kassam discusses his new book on Sharia Law, and Nathan Steelwater of analyzes Trump’s decision to up the ante in Afghanistan.
LN Radio 8/20/17 – A New Civil War?
Was the ugly racial violence in Charlottesville, Virginia last weekend a precursor to a much larger fight over racial justice? Â We discuss that question with Jeff Charles and Jim Capua of
LN Radio 8/13/17 – From North Korea to…Trump TV
North Korea, the do-nothing congress, Google, abortion & Trump TV…we talk about all of it with Andrew Moran & Graham Noble of and Greg Corombos, host of the popular Three Martini Lunch podcast.
LN Radio 8/6/17 – The Defiance of Trump
President Trump fights back against leftist and establishment forces trying to topple his presidency.  Nathan Steelwater of discusses the death spiral in Venezuela, and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz finds herself embroiled in another scandal.
LN Radio 7/16/17 – The Foibles of Trump the Younger
How damaging are the revelations about Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian Lawyer? Cal Thomas joins us to discuss that and evaluate the first six months of the Trump presidency.  Plus, the Senate approaches a moment of truth on repealing and replacing Obamacare.
LN Radio 7/9/17 – North Korea & CNN
Trump’s attack on Mika Brzezinski,  the Supreme Court & Trump’s travel ban, Sarah Palin vs. NY Times and the feud between Liberty Nation and PETA.  We are joined by Scott Cosenza and Jim Fite of