CNN Anchor does her best to turn the tables on a survival of Assad’s chemical attack grateful for President Trump’s airstrike. She fails.
Health Care Reform: Back from the Dead?
GOP movers and shakers are working the back rooms in an attempt to fix or re-jigger the already notorious American Health Care Act, with all sides making demands at the same time. This, as they try to douse the flames of bridges burned in the wake of their initial failure.
Bill O’Reilly on the Hot Seat
The New York Times has dived deep into the underbelly of the Fox News beast and uncovered quite a tangle of women who have proclaimed O’Reilly sexually harassed and bullied them repeatedly during their tenure at Fox.
Concocted News Network: Shilling For Susan Rice
As all of America now knows, the high-ranking official who unmasked the Trump team in intelligence reports was none other than Susan Rice. Since this puts the Obama administration in a very bad position — and completely destroys the minuscule shred of credibility Rice still had among those who still believe Benghazi was a spontaneous attack — the establishment media is in high gear.
Liberty Nation Radio – 4/1/17 – Brexit & the Freedom Caucus
Did the GOP House Freedom Caucus play their cards right in the healthcare debacle? And now that Britain’s withdrawal from the EU is official, how much difference will it really make?
Neil Gorsuch And The Chevron Deference
The Chevron deference is the epitome of the idiom “you can’t fight city hall,” and why a judge who supports it is one worth confirming, or eliminating, depending on which side you support.
Chelsea Clinton: The Joke Never Ends
Chelsea Clinton. Smart, funny, educated, fascinating, beautiful; she’s none of those things, yet, she occupies a special place in the heart of every American. Without a doubt, she is future presidential material, so let us celebrate this national treasure by mixing up a huge batch of that special Jim Jones Kool-Aid.
Keep Tweeting Mr. President
Those on the left and right seem to agree on one thing — that President Trump should sit down, shut up and by all means – STOP tweeting.
The Millennial View: Healthcare Doesn’t Work for Us
A substitute for the Affordable Care Act is incredibly important for the success of our nation’s youth. For this reason, the recent failure of the GOP to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act was devastating.