The GAO found colleges hire consultants to mislead borrowers to cut default rate.
Mental Health Catastrophic in the US
Mental illness reaches epic conditions in the United States.
Mueller’s Questions for Trump Leave Observers Wanting More
What do Mueller’s questions for Trump really mean?
Millennial Blue Wave Drying Up for DEMS
Democrats panic as Blue Wave dries up.
NY threatens to sue ICE
NY Gov. Cuomo weaponizes the law by threatening to sue ICE to get his way.
Establishment Media Viewed as Enemy of the People
Survey says: Americans see establishment media as the enemy of the people.
SAY WHAT – Dems Destroy Trump Nominee, and Sue Everyone
The left demonstrates once again that, to them, the truth doesn’t matter.
Democrats Force Mass Exodus to Red States
The real reason behind the mass exodus of people from blue states.
Waffle House: Home of the Brave and the Criminally Insane
A stark look at the facts behind shootings, and the left’s illogical response.