Liberty Nation wishes you all a happy Thanksgiving and thanks you for your support.
Thanksgiving Recipes from the Liberty Nation Team – With a Side of Politics
Thanksgiving recipes with a dash of humor and a pinch of politics.
Thanking the Political Left – The Idiocies and Madness that Keep on Giving
A humorous look at the oddities on the left that we can all be grateful for.
Political Perspectives and the Growing Divide – Thanksgiving Fables
In the current toxic political climate, it can be easy to lose sight of our own motivations.
FBI Labels Drinking Club Proud Boys as Racist
Proud Boys said to have white nationalist ties despite multi-racial membership.
Trump’s Prison Reform: Three Strikes Rule Is Out
Just and effective sentencing is the goal, but keeping children fatherless is a cost too high.
Obama’s Low Blows Show a Man Obsessed
The desperate former president uses sticks and stones to attack Trump for unraveling his legacy.
Why Socialism Failed: Cambodia
One of the 20th century’s greatest socialist monsters planted the Killing Fields.
Progressive Christianity Embraces Atheist Minister
At the United Church of Canada, you don’t have to believe in God to be a minister.