Former “woke” Starbucks CEO commits a progressive mortal sin.
Venezuela on Fire – Part 2
This economic meltdown is all on socialist policies that have been building for 20 years.
Leftists Growing Weary of Trump Derangement Syndrome
The left’s tiresome refusal to applaud positive results of Trump’s agenda is obstinate, juvenile, and vacuous.
Who Needs the NSA When You’ve Got Facetime?
Apple is shocked, SHOCKED, that it invaded your privacy.
Saudi Texas Helps US Become Net Energy Exporter
A crude renaissance and an energy revolution mean the US no longer takes a knee to petroleum states.
Venezuela on Fire – Part 1
Coalescing loyalties inside and outside Venezuela are presaging the troubled country’s fate.
58,000 Disenfranchised in Texas as Non-Citizens Vote
Seems breaching the “sanctity of elections” applies only to Russian bots and not non-citizens.
French Protesters Face Great Dilemma
Tough choice: Is it better to throw a tantrum or put your fate in the hands of your superiors?
Business Sells Kids’ Blood as Fountain of Youth
Could blood transfusions turn back the clock for the aged – and what does that mean for young people?