Louis’ story is a stark example of a country in ruin.
Results for "Perspectives on Iraq"
Boots on the Ground: Perspectives on Iraq – Part 2
Today, we fast forward from the 2011 drawdown to an Iraq nearly free of US troops, and the situation that unfolded.
Boots on the Ground: Perspectives on Iraq – Part 1
In the baton pass from Barack Obama to President Trump, a veritable mountain of postponed, muddled and unsystematic military strategy in Iraq is a pressing issue that the new administration must tackle head-on.
Rear Admiral Sentenced In “Fat Leonard” Bribery Scandal
Do you remember Fat Leonard? Rear Admiral Robert Gilbeau does. The retired admiral has been sentenced to 18 months of jail time for his involvement in the Fat Leonard bribery scandal, which cost the United States Navy more than $34 million over the course of a decade.
100 Days of Liberty Nation
The first hundred days for President Donald Trump are identical to the first hundred days of this website, aptly and assiduously named Liberty Nation. So, to paraphrase the late Admiral James Stockdale when tapped as the Vice-Presidential running mate to Ross Perot: Who are we? Why are we here?
The Impact of ISIS on US Relations with Turkey
U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have begun tightening the noose around Islamic State’s de facto capital of Raqqa according to Reuters. With the capture of the highway between Raqqa and the Deir al-Zor province on Monday, all main roads out of the city have been cut off.