Let’s face it. There are many reasons to be grateful this Christmas season. Here are a few good reasons to celebrate:
Number 1: The reason for the season is the first and foremost reason for a Merry Christmas. The birth of Jesus not only changed history but still changes lives today.
Number 2: We have a President who cares about this country and its people and less about what those around the world think of us.
Number 3: Tax Reform is now the law of the land. When millions of jobs are created, even the Democrats will understand this one.
Number 4: That dozens of creeps and sexual perverts who couldn’t keep their hands to themselves have been outed, fired and disgraced.
Number 5: Our Veterans are finally, finally, being acknowledged and efforts are being made to care for these courageous folks properly.
Number 6: Americans will no longer be “punished” for not buying a high-priced, high-deductible health care policy they don’t want.
Number 7: Attorney General Jeff Sessions has admitted, apologized and offered a $3.5M settlement to organizations that were harassed and targeted by the IRS for their political beliefs.
Number 8: That Neil Gorsuch now sits in the seat of the late great Antonin Scalia on the U.S. Supreme Court.
Number 9: That Hillary Rodham Clinton is not the president and has been relegated to the ash-heap of historic losers.
Number 10: That we live in a country that is still the land of the free and the home of the brave.